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Writer's pictureTerri Connelly

'Lest we forget all that has served'

Every November 11th my husband and I attend the Memorial Service in North Vancouver. We make sure we wear sunglasses as we always find the service so emotional and moving.

I admit my ignorance until recently when I watched a segment on the news about the Purple Poppy to represent all the animals that served alongside our amazing people that have put their lives on the line for a greater purpose...our freedom. My research enlightened me on many tributes around the world for all that have served that reinforces my belief in the human spirit and connection.

To recognize and pay my gratitude I painted some poppies. Actually, these poppies are from a photo I took of the wild poppies that grow alongside the trail I walk.

The paintings I have done through the sales I have donated to the Legion and to the SPCA in recognition to all that put others above themselves.


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Susan Eskins
Susan Eskins
Nov 10, 2022

Love your painting and your heart!

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