It has been a while since I have sent out an update. The last quarter of 2024 has sure been active. What a great way to close out the year in being in THE GALLERY GEORGE for the final exhibition of the year.
I have 11 pieces of work in this show titled 'No Cats in these Cradles'. The inspiration for this series comes from moments of joy when I see the amazing work of a birds nest that has been constructed. The structural design with function to hold and protect their eggs and young.
Over the years I have taken photos of various nests including that of the Paper Wasp. While visiting my dear friend on Vancouver Island in the summer she showed me a beautiful Robins nest that had fallen out of one of their trees in her yard. She saved it, and we marveled over the intricate, carefully woven tight structure and materials used. Of course I took several photos for my reference.
While working in my corporate career, I was blessed with a Seagull family that nested on my office window ledge. I witnessed the nest construction, the eggs laid, the hatching, and learning to fly. This happened every year until I retired from that career. I had so much joy being greeted each morning to the family on my window ledge. I'm not so sure my colleagues could say the same, especially if on an on-line Teams Meeting. Lol!
There is so much we can learn from nature and in the case of nests the construction, resourcefulness of materials and how they are built for safety. Something to think about.
The paintings are created in acrylic and mixed medium using some natural materials of moss, grass, fur and feathers. Each nest painting background is the colour of the birds eggs, with the exception of the Paper WASP nest...didn't want to get too close!
I hope you find Joy in these paintings and if in Vancouver have a chance to make it into the Gallery. Reception is December 6 from 6 -9 pm and Exhibition runs to December 29th Wednesday to Sundays 12 noon to 6 pm.
Have a wonderful December and a Happy New Year. I look forward to sharing with you in 2025.
Cheers! Terri